"Yeah!" she yelled back.
I got the ball back and tested Glen with my fastball again, prepared for it, Glen swung early and hit it off to the side.
Alright, now I have him now.
I gripped my whole hand on the ball and made a circle with my thumb and index finger on the side of the ball. Then using my same motion I threw the ball slower and to the outside. Just as I would suspect, he swung early and it was over I had won again.
I saw him with his head slumped and went over to him and held out my hand to say good game, but he caught me by surprise. Glen swiped my hand away and punched me right in the gut. Unprepared I gripped my stomach in pain and grunted.
Then in pain I walked over to him and said "Revenge is nothing, the damage has already been done and it doesn't make things right,"
After I said that, Mark came over and helped me to our bikes. Then as we left, I glanced at Glen, he stood there looking at his hands and that was the last time he ever bothered me again.
looking back on the past
I still don't know
why he treated me this way
hoping he'd change
but he never would
leaving his grasp was a blessing
we spread apart
had our separate ways
the years passed
and winter was slowly arriving
he was left in the snow
he was left behind
with all the rest of unforgiven souls
Author's Note: I thought about the choices Davy made and how it can effect his life and other lives. I'm also trying to make the animoto piece more descriptive too, by adding this piece.
Mowing the lawn, taking the trash out, and making your bed. All of these chores have rewards and all of them have consequences. Like all choices in our lives, every one has a right path and every one has a wrong path, but other people don't have to choose for you. It's your choice and you lead your path, whether it's the right path or the wrong path. You can decide your own future, so choose wisely.
What people have to understand is that decisions are a big deal and they have to be taken more seriously. A decision can lead to others and then you see yourself in the mirror and see that you have changed since your decision, wishing you can take it back, but it is too late for you. Now that has fallen into the shadows, from now on, people shall focus on their choices and choose wisely, because you never know what decision will change your life.
I was so excited for our family vacation. All of my clothes were packed, and I brought my favorite pair of sunglasses for the brightness of Arizona. I couldn't wait to get out of the state of Wisconsin. I could almost feel it now. The sun beating down on my body and playing basketball without a sweatshirt on.Oh yeah, that's the life.
My family waited a whole hour for this plane to take off and finally the wait was over. I held on to my seat as we lifted off and enjoyed the rush as usual. After ten minutes after the takeoff the transmitter came on, but instead of the pilot speaking, it was some man with a deep voice. "I don't care how hard it is , but you need to get this plane to the White House now!"
After I heard this my stomach churned and I turned to the rest of my family. This was not a good start to our vacation.
My family waited a whole hour for this plane to take off and finally the wait was over. I held on to my seat as we lifted off and enjoyed the rush as usual. After ten minutes after the takeoff the transmitter came on, but instead of the pilot speaking, it was some man with a deep voice. "I don't care how hard it is , but you need to get this plane to the White House now!"
After I heard this my stomach churned and I turned to the rest of my family. This was not a good start to our vacation.
It was about thirty minutes when all three men walked out of the cockpit, my muscles tightened and I felt like we were about to meet our death.
Author's Note: In Jumper Davy's Family is kind of messed up, but he gets back with his mom. It made me think how important family
"Hey mom!" I yelled.
"Yeah!" she yelled back.
As I was walking down the stairs, I said a little bit softer, "Can I go down to the park?"
"Sure honey, just be careful!" she said as I headed for the door.
Once I opened the door to the garage I grabbed my bike a basketball and then I was off. I rode a half of a mile down to our neighborhood park and started to shoot some baskets. I had to go down to the park because we didn't have a basketball hoop, because our driveway is too steep.
After thirty minutes I decided to head back home. Just to make sure she wasn't worried. I hopped on my bike and headed home. On the way I noticed a black car with highly tinted windows making a sharp right turn obviously speeding. I wondered why they were in such of a hurry and why all of the windows were tinted so much. Oh well at least I wasn't in front of that car.
When I arrived I saw another black vehicle just like the one I saw before on the side of the street, but I ignored it and punched in the key for our garage. Then I stepped inside with mom's car inside like usual. I set my bike to the side and entered the house. prepared for my mom to welcome me I decided to say, "Hi mom," first and waited for an answer, but nobody responded. Since I was a single child I was prepared to hear my mothers voice, but after a minute of waiting I heard a deep male's voice. "Hello little boy."
I quickly turned around, my heart beating a hundred times a second, I said "Who are you, and where is my mom?
"That information I cannot tell you, but you soon will be where she is."
Then he held a napkin up to my mouth and then I was unconscious. I awoke in the inside of the back of a van with my hands tied behind my back and duct tape on my mouth., then I sat up. Oh my gosh, where am I? Where is mom and why did these guys kidnap me? Don't I get it enough with being a only child and not having any dad?
Then I did what most people would do, scream. It caught the two people in the car's attention and they told me to be quiet, but I didn't I kept it up until they came over to the back and threatened me. At that time I had no choice to be quiet. He said to be quiet or it would be my life. After a hour I dozed off, but it was rudely awakened when the two kidnappers shouted "Lets go kid! Out of the car!"
Of course I obeyed and now they lead me into a warehouse. Then I spotted my mom. The only good part about this situation was that I was back with my mom. They tied me down to a chair next to my mother and tore off both of the duct tape pieces off of our mouths.
I looked at her and it felt good to be with my family again. "We'll get out of this Daniel. I know we will," said my mom.
Then all of the sudden she threw a smoke bomb and the next thing I knew my hands were free and I was running out the door holding hands with my mom.
She opened the car that lead us here and hot-wired the car and drove off onto the highway. When we were driving off I couldn't help asking if she was a retired secret agent. She just said, "Whatever I am we will still be together as a happy family. I looked off to the side and was glad to have my mom and family back.
Author's Note: I thought about a topic that almost every person comes along and Davy (a character from Jumper)comes along this challenge and he doesn't handle it very well, so I came up with a situation with revenge involved. Hope you like it!
"Hey Josh, here's your little friend," Mark said.
"Oh yeah here he comes," I said.
The last time I saw Glen, it was at the baseball field, and I struck him out with the bases loaded. When I came over to shake his hand, he just blew me off and I knew I had a new enemy in town.
"Hey look over here it's the circus clowns," yelled Glen.
"At least we don't strike out with the bases loaded in the last inning Glen!" Mark shouted.
"Well, I'm way over that,"
"So why did you come over to the baseball field, did you come to practice?" I asked
"No, I decided that I would come over here for a rematch, just me and you,"
I thought this over and I thought it would be a pretty good idea, so I challenged him.
"You get a regular baseball count and if you hit it to the outfield, then I lose if you hit and it doesn't go into the outfield or if you strikeout, then I win," I said
"Alright, be prepared for a beating" said Glen
I just looked to the side and said nothing. Then I drove my knee up to my chest, pushed off of the mound and unleashed the baseball from my hand. I could see the fear in his eyes' when the ball was coming to home. Then he swung and was behind my fastball.
"Strike one!" Mark shouted.
I got the ball back and tested Glen with my fastball again, prepared for it, Glen swung early and hit it off to the side.
Alright, now I have him now.
I gripped my whole hand on the ball and made a circle with my thumb and index finger on the side of the ball. Then using my same motion I threw the ball slower and to the outside. Just as I would suspect, he swung early and it was over I had won again.
I saw him with his head slumped and went over to him and held out my hand to say good game, but he caught me by surprise. Glen swiped my hand away and punched me right in the gut. Unprepared I gripped my stomach in pain and grunted.
Then in pain I walked over to him and said "Revenge is nothing, the damage has already been done and it doesn't make things right,"
After I said that, Mark came over and helped me to our bikes. Then as we left, I glanced at Glen, he stood there looking at his hands and that was the last time he ever bothered me again.
My FatherAuthor's Note: This actually isn't my own father. I got this idea from Jumper. His dad wasn't a good man, so I came up with this idea
looking back on the past
I still don't know
why he treated me this way
hoping he'd change
but he never would
leaving his grasp was a blessing
we spread apart
had our separate ways
the years passed
and winter was slowly arriving
he was left in the snow
he was left behind
with all the rest of unforgiven souls
Author's Note: I thought about the choices Davy made and how it can effect his life and other lives. I'm also trying to make the animoto piece more descriptive too, by adding this piece.
Every day American's go through a day with hundreds of choices. Many are short easy to answer choices, but some are tough and you really have to think about what would be the best for your situation. For some people college might be a way to thrive, or for some people it might be coming right out of high school and making a business. Whatever you choose will determine the next day and the next day will determine the next and it will go on and on until you hit a dead end. Then you turn back at the choices that you have made and you realized that one decision can turn into a lifetime of decisions.
Davy's Choice
Author's Note: Davy's Choice is an animoto on what he did and what he should of done. It is at the bottom of the page
Authors note: This was just a writing piece from Jumper and he's different then most people out there, in fact he might be the only one to teleport, so it made me think that everyone is different in their own way.
After experiencing anti-bullying speeches and presentations and reading some of Jumper, I see that many people don't want to be themselves sometimes. Some people had little insecurities and some people experienced abuse and covered it up. Later on in their life they stripped off their mask and showed the world their true selves.
I honestly believe that the different people you meet in live is the fun of life. You wouldn't want to have a friend that had your same face and same thoughts, the difference in life is great part about it. Don't be afraid to put your true self out there, you'll find friends and if you lose your other friends, you'll know that they weren't your real friends.
Many people are different and that's a fact. Everything is different in it's own way, snowflakes never appear the same each one is different. If you look out on a snowy day you can see that there are many differences out in the world. Being different is great, so take off the mask and put it in your shadows, for now you are your true self.
I honestly believe that the different people you meet in live is the fun of life. You wouldn't want to have a friend that had your same face and same thoughts, the difference in life is great part about it. Don't be afraid to put your true self out there, you'll find friends and if you lose your other friends, you'll know that they weren't your real friends.
Many people are different and that's a fact. Everything is different in it's own way, snowflakes never appear the same each one is different. If you look out on a snowy day you can see that there are many differences out in the world. Being different is great, so take off the mask and put it in your shadows, for now you are your true self.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very inspirational piece Jack. I agree, there are many differences in everybody. The differences tell you who you are. Good Job.
This is quite a good piece, Jack. You come back to your thesis in the end, and have a really clear point throughout. I like how you tied in several resources, like your experiences. This is definitely head and shoulders above material you wrote earlier in the year. As you progress, try to use more specific text evidence to show where this was exactly a part of the novel you are reading. Well done.
ReplyDeleteWell, your first step into incorporating technology is something, but it sure made writing take a back seat. Maybe something more in the line of crafted writing can be accompanied by the tech next time.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good peice, it has a clear meaning. Also, it is, as mentioned previously, inspirational.
ReplyDeleteBTW: Nice animoto..... wow.... the ending is just what I thought it would be. It's informative, long, shows how long you worked on it, and...... it's the exact oppisite of what I just said! But it's funny....:D
ReplyDeleteI really love the piece about how we are all different like snowflakes. You made a really good point when you try to cover yourself from who you really are. It was organized, had a great voice and I just loved it.
ReplyDeleteThe piece on choices was pretty good. I liked how you said that it is your decision and nobody else's. I totally agree with that
ReplyDeleteI like the poem about the father. This is a really cool way to react to the text creatively. Nicely done. The reader can see where you are using elements of poetry to get your idea across.
ReplyDeleteFor 'Family' I thought it was good, but there are some minor errors like there should a period or a comma and stuff. But other than that this piece was really good.