As the semi-aquatic mammal known as a Platypus awkwardly propels itself through the water he searches for shrimp, larva, and worms. This duration of swimming, hunting and eating lasts as long as 10 hours. After this time period of the platypus crawls to its burrow and sleeps for 14 hours, then later when he wakes up and repeats its daily cycle.
The Platypus is a well known mammal because of its odd design and its special ability to lay eggs. This type of mammal would be classified as monotremes which are mammals who have the ability to lay eggs. In this classification there are a few other mammals with this same ability.
A Platypus is very interesting specie its features include a wide duck billed beak, webbed otter feet, a tail similar to a beaver’s and a poison barb attached to its two hind legs which only the male platypuses can use. When they are in trouble have to act quickly and hit the enemy with their poison barb. If a small mammal were to be injected with its venom, let’s say a dog, it would die of poisoning, but even though the platypus’ venom is lethal to small mammals, humans are affected, but is not enough to kill us. If you were to be injected, then the pain would last for a month.
When a platypus swims it closes its eyes. How do they know where they’re going you ask? Well, a platypus locates its prey and places around it using its electromagnetic senses. The key locator for the electromagnetism is in the skin of their beak. The beak scans the area around the platypus then sends a map of the location around it.
As we might all know that platypuses are very awkward species they walk funny, swims awkwardly and has a wide variety of strange body parts, but that’s why I chose to pick this animal. We can learn a lot of things about a platypus and we still haven’t found out everything about it. A platypus has many mysteries that still need to be unlocked, but with research there is a lot we can uncover.
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