Thursday, May 24, 2012


Jack Ellington
In the life as we know it bacteria is a terrible organism that threatens our daily lives. The average American believes that bacteria should be eliminated and put out of the way, but there is much more to it than that. Yes that is true, but we should be thankful for bacteria’s existence, because it helps survive us every day.
Bacteria is a prokaryotic cell and their shapes are like spheres, rods, and spirals.[1] The size of a cell is very tiny, it is invisible to the naked eye, but able to be seen in a microscope.[2] They consist of a coat of protein and DNA in the middle.[3] It has the capability to latch on to other cells and invade them and take control over their reproductive system.[4] It is incompatible to reproduce, so it must take over host cell to produce more bacteria.
Right about now you are probably thinking that bacteria are an enemy that we should avoid them completely, but then life would be a lot harder. Bacteria helps us in our everyday life. Like lysosomes, bacteria is in your stomach; breaking down food and helping with digestion.[5] And some of the most popular foods that people eat are cheese and yogurt, which bacteria breaks down and makes the milk harden, or make it soft.[6] Lastly it breaks down and kills disease spreading cells.[7]

There are very little bad types of bacteria. Surprisingly only 1% of bacteria cause diseases.[8] But, But infectious bacteria can make you very sick. Bacteria can reproduce very quickly in your system. Many give off chemicals called toxins, which can damage tissue and make you sick.[9]
Bacteria can certainly make you sick and threaten your health, and freak you out a lot, but it is essential for everyday life. There many types of bacteria out there, but most are human friendly. So I hope you understand that  bacteria isn’t that much of a bad guy.


National Institution of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "Bacterial Infections." 9 April 2012. Medline Plus. 19 April 2012 <>.
Waggoner, Ben. "Introduction to Bacteria." 15 10 1996. UCMP. 23 April 2012 <>.
Worden, Jeni. "Viruses and Bacteria." 4 November 2011. Netdocter. 17 April 2012 <>.

[1]  (National Institution of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
[2]  (Worden)
[3]  (Worden)
[4]  (Worden)
[5]  (Waggoner)
[6]  (Waggoner)
[7]  (Waggoner)
[8]  (National Institution of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
[9] (National Institution of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Janina's Dad

The point of view is originally set by a boy who see's Jackboots/Nazi's as really cool people and he actually wants to be a Nazi. Everything is a dreamland for him, but now I'll switch view in a darker theme and replace the point of view with Janina's dad.

We are no longer human beings, we're considered animals. Nazis have forced us to live in the ghetto of the damned. My wife and I live in factories now just to get by. We even have to rely on this little theif who is obsessed with his name for food. I couldn't imagine a more evil place than Germany. Why punish the jews, why hate us? We have done nothing wrong!

 Things are not the same, it's not fair. At least Janina has a friend to support her through this terrible time. I have heard that America is free for everyone. If I get enough money I bet I could get there in time, let's just pray that we get there safely.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This is a prediction piece for the book Milkweed and for your information Misha happens to be a boy's name.

I believe that Misha will soon get caught by the jackboots/Nazis. He is always around them and he actually wants to be one. Soon when he is too close to a jackboot they will take him away to a camp. He will likely suffer a lot and will not like it there.Since Misha is the main character, then it would be very bad for the plotline if he died. It would be far more likely to escape and be on the run and escaping from nazi troops.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mr. Raymond

What would you do if someone was being bullied right in front of you? Would you stand by and not do anything, or would you stand up and make a difference for that person? Mr. Raymond is definitely not that kind of person.  He is a bystander not willing to put his opinion out into the open.

Mr. Raymond enters the court with a wine bottle with a paper bag over it. So everyone believed he was drunk, but he revealed to the kids that it was just a bottle of coca-cola. Mr. Raymond tells the children that he pretends to be a drunk to provide the other white people with an explanation for his lifestyle, when, in fact, he simply prefers black people to whites.

He also reveals that he believes that the racist side of Maycomb is the real side. So with that being said, Mr. Raymond is fleeing his believes and does not want to do anything about it. Mr. Raymond does not want to change the town he has simply just given up. Even though he admires Atticus he still doesn't want to change he is lazy and is the most cowardly person I have seen.

Like we do in school. When a student is not being treated fairly we have to stand up to the bully even if he is big or stronger than you, someone has to stand up to him and Mr. Raymond would not be the right person for that job.

Friday, March 23, 2012


In this creative piece I am describing Boo Radley in Dill's point of view and this would be when Dill, Jem, and Scout would go over to Boo's house

Man! That Boo Radley is a huge nutcase. He probably looked through our windows at night. I want to see him once just to see what he looks like. But I'm a little scared to see what he looks like. After all the kids at school says he's a real creep and he's really ugly, but we found some cool stuff in his tree, so he must be a little nice, right?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


In the book To Kill A Mockingbird an important scene would be when Scout realizes that she can't judge someone until she steps into their shoes or into their life. This makes a huge difference in the book because Scout is finally maturing and one of the major themes of this book is about growing up.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grown Up

 Authors Note: This piece is a quote analysis for how this affected the book

 “This is the Death Voice, the Voice that means business. When I was a kid, this Voice made me pee my pants. It takes more now. I look up at Mom square in the eye, then rinse my plate and retreat to my room. Deprived of Victim, Mom and Dad holler at each other. I turn up the music and drown out the noise.”

In this quote from the book Speak Melinda is our main character. In this quote Melinda's grades are really low and her mom is taking out the Death Voice. This is the most powerful voice that her mother possesses. Melinda even says that it used to make her pee, but it has no affect to Melinda anymore. She is used to it now and walks right out of the room.

This is a huge part of the book because Melinda is becoming her own person now. Now the "Death Voice" doesn't even affect her. If you took out this passage then you would take out the carelessness of her paying attention to class and to her parents. Right now she is at the breaking point. Right now Melinda must decide to become more social or become a more well rounded student, but her parents must also choose to become more connected to their kid and help Melinda through this unfortunate school year.


In Laurie Anderson's Speak Melinda is constantly using a tree for her art project, but she cannot convert it into a good feeling. With her inabilaty to grow Melinda has a tough time trying to fit in with the other High Schoolers. With no friends and nobody who cares about her how can she grow?

Melinda starts off as a happy 8th grader with great friends and a happy life, everything starts off romantically and excellent, but then it all flips. Melinda is now at the bottom of the trench. All of her friends have abandoned her and nobody will speak to her. Now she is the girl who crashed the big party, but then she meets Mr. Freeman who lets her express her feelings through art.

Mr. Freeman started off the year, by having everyone pick an object out of a hat that they had to draw in every piece for the rest of the year. When it was Melinda's turn she picked out a tree. Throughout the year Melinda struggled to put her tree into a happy state. She could not put leaves on her tree, without any leaves on a tree it leaves it in a depressing state. With no leaves on her trees it clearly represents her. Melinda is a person who has no leaves, no personality, no friends, and no room to grow.

Melinda's room is supposed to be home to a 5th grader. This is Proof that her trees also represent her. It clearly represents her inability to grow as a person. I believe that Melinda felt dead inside like dried out falling leaves, but remains still clinging on to the branches of a tree, still hanging onto reality.

When you look at how closely a tree represents her it makes sence how messed up her life is. When you look at a dead tree almost no one would like to have it in their yard, so why would someone want some broken down, dried up girl as a friend? If Melinda wants to be more social, and have friends she has to realize where she is in life and grow from there. 

Monday, February 6, 2012


Propaganda is like a boomerang; it keeps coming back and hitting you straight in the face. The constant books and commercials and posters were everywhere, when Hitler was in the office. Everywhere the Germans turned they heard something about Hitler being great or hate this religion and shun these people. In the end average Joes have fallen to propaganda and brainwashing in history and in literature.

In Fahrenheit 451, America has taken away the rights to own books and all books must be burned and disposed of. The society of Fahrenheit 451 is very ironic. The people of this setting think of watching tv shows that have a script for you to say what they want you to say. The government is controlling these people and making them think what the government wants them to think. The government has succeeded in having the population being brainwashed by their evil doing.

Similarly in the short story "Harrison Bergeron", the society accepts their terms of having to wear their special handicaps. In the story all people literally equal. If a person is smart then they are given a handicap to reduce their thoughts, if a person is athletic then they are given a chain to slow them down, but if they are just plain dumb, then they are the norm and are given no handicaps.When a society has no way to think and no way to think about what is happening to them, they are being brainwashed right in front of themselves and they don't even know it.

The propaganda of Fahrenheit 451 and "Harrison Bergeron" are both different, but they have both one meaning: to sabotage our nation and make us think the way the government wants us to think. With these brainwashing techniques, the government will be successful controlling our minds.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cheshire Creeps

"He was eating a light supper at nine in the evening when the front door cried out in the hall and Mildred ran from the parlor like a native fleeing an eruption of Vesuvius. Mrs. Bowles came through the front door and vanished into the volcano's mouth with martinis in their hands. Montag stopped eating. They were like monstrous crystal chandelier tinkling in a thousand chimes, he saw their Cheshire Cat smiles burning through the walls of the house and now they were screaming at each other above the din." Page 93 Fahrenheit 451

 In the passage above guy is definitely looking at the women like they were mad. Mildred and her friends were running into a death trap, the volcano symbolizes the propaganda the government was using against them. With this being a regular treat they could fool anyone who lived in America to be pulled into this trap.

The description of these woman is almost like an irony. They were giggling and anticipating to run and watch their favorite government controlled show. It was almost like they were being controlled, because if you have seen Alice in Wonderland the Cheshire Cat has an inhumanly smile, and in my own opinion, it is very creepy. Now by adding another fire reference with burning that almost makes it like they are smiling like the devil.