Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grown Up

 Authors Note: This piece is a quote analysis for how this affected the book

 “This is the Death Voice, the Voice that means business. When I was a kid, this Voice made me pee my pants. It takes more now. I look up at Mom square in the eye, then rinse my plate and retreat to my room. Deprived of Victim, Mom and Dad holler at each other. I turn up the music and drown out the noise.”

In this quote from the book Speak Melinda is our main character. In this quote Melinda's grades are really low and her mom is taking out the Death Voice. This is the most powerful voice that her mother possesses. Melinda even says that it used to make her pee, but it has no affect to Melinda anymore. She is used to it now and walks right out of the room.

This is a huge part of the book because Melinda is becoming her own person now. Now the "Death Voice" doesn't even affect her. If you took out this passage then you would take out the carelessness of her paying attention to class and to her parents. Right now she is at the breaking point. Right now Melinda must decide to become more social or become a more well rounded student, but her parents must also choose to become more connected to their kid and help Melinda through this unfortunate school year.

1 comment:

  1. This was a pretty good piece. I thought you analyzed the quote fairly well.
