Climax: He is off onto war

Rising Action: Falling action: Bill is injured
The training begins.
It was in the year 1942, in the beginning of US joining the world war. Bill was with his family of four, his wife Amy and his two sons Tom and Robert. He had just come back from work and had eaten dinner. Then his wife went off to get the mail and she came back with her face shocked in disbelief. Bill went over to comfort her and later he opened the letter. The world war needed people for the army and he was supposed to go and leave his family. His heart sank and he looked at his two sons. He did not want to go to war, but he had no choice. He had to go whether he liked it or not.
At the day of his drafting, he said his last goodbyes to his family. He kissed his wife and told his sons to look after each other. They both agreed and watched their father get in a car and go to war. As Bill got in the car he saw two other men with a grim look on their face. They were both fit like Bill, they looked like brothers, but Bill didn’t have the chance to ask. When they reached the base he had a weird feeling in his stomach, it was nervous and anxious at the same time. An old man led them to their beds and gave them their uniforms and once Bill changed, they had gotten right to work. The instructor had taught them how to army crawl and put them to work. He had to call him sir every time and if he didn’t, he would be on the ground doing twenty. After the hard work the instructor lead them to the guns. He showed them how to reload and stock the guns with ammunition. They had not gotten to the shooting part, but he felt like in the week they would get to that.
During the week they went through rigorous training and almost every time he awoke with sore muscles, but when another week passed his body got used to the workouts and he could see the improvements too. He also had gotten into handling guns and shooting them, but he wasn’t very fond of the sharp noise it made. After a month of training he was informed that he would be leaving and he would be going to England to support their troops there. This was what he’s been training for, he just hoped that it would come in handy.
During training he had no problem making friend. Many of the people who were getting sent to England he knew. He had a good conversation that lasted the whole plane ride, so it felt like a pretty short ride. When he landed at the British base he unloaded his stuff and got ready for war.
The General said that an Army was coming from the east side of the town, so Bill and the rest of the people got into their positions to fight. A sniper was positioned up at a bell tower and Bill was in a bunker waiting for our opponent to make its move. After 30 minutes of waiting the sniper spotted an army of one hundred men with three tanks, while Bill’s army only had 80 men. They were about 4 clicks away and two men went out to lure them into their ambush. They took a mini car and lured the enemies into the trap. All of the men were stocked with grenades and semi-automatic guns, even though Bill had good equipment, he didn’t feel good with facing 100 men and 3 tanks, but he could not give up hope. Then he saw them. The Germans came into what they thought was a deserted city, but then when they stepped in, the army pulled the trigger. The front of the city exploded, the sight was sickening, but Bill stood his ground. The army trucked forward. With about a ten percent of their army down and 1 tank exploded, Bill’s army could beat them. Bill looked up and saw the sniper firing left and right getting the next guy then onto the next guy, but Bill had his own business to mind. As a wave of enemies came by he was forced to shoot. He hated the idea of killing, but he had to protect himself and his country.
Bill ran to a building to reload. After he was done Bill looked out the window and saw two tanks pointing right towards the building. Bill shouted “RUN!!!!” and pulled the man out of the building.
As the building was shot down Bill was flung forward by the explosion. And he could not feel his legs. A light flashed before him and he heard “don’t worry I gotcha!” and then he passed out.
Bill awoke in a hospital next to some of his friends and he looked around and then he saw both of his legs. With a sigh of relief he asked for a doctor and asked if he could walk again. The doctor said that he could walk with some rehab, but it would take some time. Then Bill thought about his family and thought to himself. I’m alive.
One thing I noticed was that you kept saying "he." I like your descriptions, like when you said his heart sank.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very good piece. I liked how you included some of the main characters own thoughts. You may want to go back and revise your piece. There were a couple errors, but otherwise it was good.